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BSEN10246-5-2000 NDT of steel tubes - Auto full peripheral/magnetic transducerflux leakage testin
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  • 点击次数:78
  • 评论等级:★★★☆☆
  • 更新时间:2008-04-20
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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc welded (SAW) tubes, for the detection of longitudinal imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels, calibration procedures and gives guidance on the limitations of the tests.

This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 10 mm.

European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the Parts shown in annex A.

This British Standard is the official English language version of EN 10246-5:1999.

This British Standard contains elements of BS 3889-1:1983. A complete list of the parts of EN 10246 is given in auuex A of this standard. This British Standard partially supersedes BS 3889-1:1983, and when all relevant parts have been published BS 3889-1:1983 will be withdrawn.

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