STAR-CAD Series是CD-adapco公司专门开发的连接CAD软件和CFD软件的接口程序。它将STAR-CD/STAR-CCM+嵌入到四款通用的三维CAD设计软件(CATIA/ Unigraphics NX/Pro-ENGINEER/ SolidWorks)中,使用户可以在CAD环境中进行CFD分析,用户既享有CAD嵌入模式的强大优势,又可以使用STAR-CD/STAR-CCM+的全部高级功能。此为64位操作系统版
STAR-CD 为一强大之计算流体力学软体,除了计算核心外并包含完整前後处理器,能帮助工程师在产品设计及开发过程中快速得到流场相关资讯。在设计初期,可以透过 STAR-CD 参数化的特性得到最佳化设计,可以节省大量时间及成本。而 STAR-CD v4.0 新版本的发行更加强了和CAD之间的整合,可以让工程师完全在Pro/E 、 SolidWorks 、 UG 、 Catia 等 CAD 软体操作介面下使用 STAR-CD 。不会有学习两套软体的感觉。 Es-tools 专家系统模组为特定用途之客户开发,包括引擎流场分析、汽车外流场分析、燃料电池分析 … 等,都能让工程师更能发挥软体效能。目前国内已超过六十间工业界、研究单位、学术单位应用於各种不同领域的问题分析,也在国内外许多期刊及研讨会发表论文。
STAR-CAD Series: CAD-embedded Design-centric CFD
The STAR-CAD Series enables engineers to manage flow and thermal problems from the comfort of their chosen CAD environment. This approach delivers a number of compelling benefits over the traditional simulation process:
No other approach will get from CAD model to an accurate CFD solution more quickly or more reliably.
Empower your design teams
The STAR-CAD Series has been specifically developed for designers and analysts. Problem set-up and input/output requirements have been automated and integrated into the CAD environment, so that users can concentrate on evaluating engineering results and optimizing designs and take full advantage of CD-adapco’s advanced simulation technology.
Hassle free set-up
Using the CAD specification tree or the simulation wizard menu, new users can swiftly set-up and run industrial-strength CFD calculations, using the STAR-CAD Series full range of physical modeling capabilities, including: laminar and turbulent flow; thermal loads; conjugate heat transfer; rotating machinery; compressible and incompressible flow; and porous materials.